Ristar-Hero Legacy Episode 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 26, 2010 23520 Plays RPG 14.75 MB

Hacked By: melectric    

Hack Information:
All stats are infinite for Hibito and Ristar and infinite money

Requested By: Dan3nyy6

Game Information
Your goal in this second episode of the Ristar-Hero's Legacy is to explore Planet Sonata.

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rahyul's avatar
rahyul      (more than a year ago)


axel0961's avatar
axel0961      (more than a year ago)

tio si pones juegos de hacer su carga ms rapido

axel0961's avatar
axel0961      (more than a year ago)


micheyk1's avatar
micheyk1      (more than a year ago)

you gotta love team sonic games

seenoevil's avatar
seenoevil      (more than a year ago)

Am i the only one who seen that or.Did he just say"Has the darkness coruppeted you heart aswell"

DrPsycho's avatar
DrPsycho     (more than a year ago)

he did wich is a surprise to me

Inuyasha154's avatar
Inuyasha154      (more than a year ago)

waste of time because it was mostly movie

guaplei's avatar
guaplei      (more than a year ago)

no fun with infinite stats D:
i hit and win.....
they should be infinite healthmana or at least infinite money.... like the hack on ristar episode 1 this is not an rpg this is just a movie DX

esterman's avatar
esterman      (more than a year ago)

look cool animations and cool characters

moataz's avatar
moataz      (more than a year ago)

cool movie i loved when he said zeke u bastard hhh

AlphaFighterEX's avatar
AlphaFighterEX      (more than a year ago)

Hiboto : Just stand there... ristar pwned there butts...

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