Hacked By: Magicman
Hack Information:
Press 1 to turn shield on and off, 3 to turn slow motion on and off, 5 to make the game continue after death, 6 to +1 multiplier, 7 to -1 multiplier, N to mute music, M to unmute music, Hacks Continued Below!
Requested By: spiderkid12
Game Information
Press W to change the keyboard mode keys from the arrow keys to WSAD
Press the Up arrow to change the keyboard mode keys back to the arrow keys
Press the following for laser directions, all last for 30 seconds except the Numpad 9.
Numpad 1 - Lasers come from top
Numpad 2 - Lasers come from right
Numpad 3 - Lasers come from bottom
Numpad 4 - Lasers come from left
Numpad 5 - Lasers come from top and right
Numpad 6 - Lasers come from bottom and left
Numpad 7 - Lasers come from top and bottom
Numpad 8 - Lasers come from left and right
Numpad 9 - Lasers come from all directions
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Decreases Enemy'...
Hacked By: leverage419
I got a score of 48205257520984758234720834752834752038947562308495 10100123453406972319851
It took 2 days
I already did with 343978695684343978657568
i like the music in this game :)
i got a score of 483109421!! :O
I got a score of like 99999999999999999999999 :O
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