The Gun Game 2 Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Jul 05, 2010 286833 Plays Shooting 5.59 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Health last 2X longer - Infinite Ammo & Grenades - Level up quick "every 100" - Money - All weapon tiers unlocked" - All Perks unlocked after 1 mission - Bullet time Perk last 2.5x longer - I think that's it :D

Requested By: awesomeman12

Game Information
Do you have the fastest and most accurate shooting skills? Play the sequel to the smash-hit! The GG2 is one of the most in-depth flash games on the web with fully customizable characters, perks, and weapons in a game that tests your might as the fastest trigger finger in the world! Do you have what it takes to unlock prestige mode?

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TChosenTwice's avatar
TChosenTwice      (more than a year ago)

RIP dpetty

DamnMrv's avatar
DamnMrv      (more than a year ago)

what happent with DPETTY can someone explain to me ?

OriginalHuman123's avatar
OriginalHuman123     (more than a year ago)

He died from cancer.

sosstory28's avatar
sosstory28      (more than a year ago)

Dave Petty was such a good hacker, but hew died from cancer, we will all miss you Dave!
. :(

yolodude12's avatar
yolodude12      (more than a year ago)

Rip Dave.He was an soul that maked joy on our hearts.

HackedIsBetter's avatar
HackedIsBetter      (more than a year ago)

How to use the Rosemary?

HackedIsBetter's avatar
HackedIsBetter     (more than a year ago)


bestsexy12345's avatar
bestsexy12345      (more than a year ago)

ctrl and click

MisterMiney's avatar
MisterMiney      (more than a year ago)

Have a look at the very last, original page of comments, all the way to the right.

KillerOfNazis's avatar
KillerOfNazis      (more than a year ago)

RIP DPetty best hacker :(

SuperRoy555's avatar
SuperRoy555      (more than a year ago)

in memory of....dave petty

DarkFabioBR's avatar
DarkFabioBR      (more than a year ago)

rip dpetty :(

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