UFO Mania Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jul 20, 2010 10379 Plays Arcade 341.17 KB

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

Hack Information:
Lives, All levels unlocked

Game Information
Hold down the mouse to collect people. Bring them to the planet above. Avoid the missiles and planes.

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Ruleroftheworld's avatar
Ruleroftheworld      (more than a year ago)

It said I won but I didn't visit sydney, austrailians are humans too

dendax12's avatar
dendax12      (more than a year ago)

the game is cool

MadPedro's avatar
MadPedro      (more than a year ago)

the game gets strange some times
you are holding some people
soemone kill you whit a rocket
boom,everone killed

Shuff159's avatar
Shuff159      (more than a year ago)

Nice Hack

kavik45's avatar
kavik45      (more than a year ago)


r4pst4r's avatar
r4pst4r      (more than a year ago)

Need better hacks..

9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll      (more than a year ago)

got shot by bazooka man dropped all people in moscow

Quahog10's avatar
Quahog10      (more than a year ago)


jesus57's avatar
jesus57      (more than a year ago)

hack fragger bonus blast

Popolum's avatar
Popolum      (more than a year ago)

lol Sydney is hidden...

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