Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1
Hack Information:
Health,Armor,Weapon Ammo,Faster Speed
Requested By: people who wanted weapon damage set back to normal.
Game Information
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Hp - [2] Toggle Ammo
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Health - [D] Gems - [F] Keys
Hacked By: leverage419
there is a ak-47u you can get it by killing combine officer (with alt grenade of course)
in one of level
Half Life 2 rules...Cause it created TF 1, TF 2 , CS Series , Half life 1 , Half Life 2 , half life 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
half life lol who has more fighters? The aliens who has more recorces? The aliens whow has WAY better technology? The aliens who has Gordon Freeman? the rebels. Rebels win
At the beginning? If you're stuck, click "Skip Prologue".
Oh, whoops, that's in another version. I just glitched through a wall and got through. Sorry man, can't help you.
the epic stupid ending... LOL
what an awesome game!
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