Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Health - Mines - No Gun Overheat - Power Ups - 3 Key Hacks - Press "7" always Human - Press "8" always Corpse - Press "9" to toggle Not Wanted On / Off - - NOTE: Not Wanted means everyone and everything will avoid you!
Requested By: ToLegitToQuit
Game Information
The world has gone to hell, and the zombies are taking over. In this game you play both human and zombie.
Mission or survival modes. Mission objective points shown on the map.
You can only kill the zombie dog with a mine.
NOTE2: When using the key hacks don't be holding down on other keys or the hack may not work! Also when changing from man to corpse , move your player to refresh the sprite/player.
in main menu you can see his but he needs some under garnments
he has pants
if you are human, zombie increases
if you are zombie, human increases
thumbs up if you agree
can't pass by the passwords...
Dave Petty
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