Hacked By: Deathnote202
Hack Information:
Game Information
People are not paying Don, it is up to you to get the money
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle sauce - [2] Money (1000-10000) - [...
Hacked By: selectLOL
lol police in the air xD
for some reason all the policemen are walking in the air
Looks Like The Godfather
black knight is more fun...
but still
good hack...HORRIBLE GAME!
only great games my bottom
a Horrible rip off of the classic dark knight game dark knight is uch better for money the stacks of cash were a good idea but sadly enough you could NOT pick up the coins that were thrown worst version of black knight ever!
JUST BLACK WITH A GUY IN A SUIT WITH A BAT LOL they need ideas desperitely
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