Bloc Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Aug 10, 2010 7043 Plays Puzzle 241.41 KB

Hacked By: Alkemyst    

Hack Information:
Press "N" key to skip to next level; Level password is same as level number for all 16 levels.

Game Information
Another addictive puzzle game like Bloxorz. The objective is to tumble a rectangular block through each stage and deposit it into the square hole at the end.<br />
Use the arrow keys for control to tumble the block around the play field, but don't let it fall off the edges.

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606luvutoo's avatar
606luvutoo      (more than a year ago)

does anyone else see a d**k on level 4?????????

chicot's avatar
chicot      (more than a year ago)

moves 936
time 467 wihout hacks nice game and hack

tom282f3's avatar
tom282f3      (more than a year ago)

actually it isnt dust its s**t

irockdude312's avatar
irockdude312      (more than a year ago)

this game also sucks!

Cooldude901's avatar
Cooldude901      (more than a year ago)

i know this game is kinda crap but if every1 is saying this game is dust how would the owner or the hacker feel?

selocon's avatar
selocon      (more than a year ago)

rip off of bloxorz

tom282f3's avatar
tom282f3      (more than a year ago)

Bloxorz's better, this game dust

Solid Snake.'s avatar
Solid Snake.      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up for bloxorz
thumbs down for Bloc

cmaci15's avatar
cmaci15      (more than a year ago)

level 16 the easiest

eric193's avatar
eric193      (more than a year ago)

this is a copy of bloxors except with flabbergastation maps

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