Commie Cannon! Defend The MotherLand Hacked


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Aug 24, 2010 6672 Plays Shooting 407.79 KB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

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Game Information
Defend your nuclear stockpiles from the US air force.

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luigifanist's avatar
luigifanist      (more than a year ago)

is this atari or something?

icecubesrule's avatar
icecubesrule      (more than a year ago)

LOL WHEN YOU PRESS SPACE! But seriously though. This is a crap crap game. Infact, its offensive to arcadeprehacks. Sorry

Shatterpower's avatar
Shatterpower      (more than a year ago)

nice in sovit russia bomb blows u u got that from raywillimjohnson wacth him he is epic

chezman's avatar
chezman     (more than a year ago)

i am epic cause i am RAWWILLIAN JOHNSTON plz watch my shows on youtube its hillarias

manecas's avatar
manecas      (more than a year ago)

In Soviet Russia... Bombs blow YOU!

tyurz's avatar
tyurz     (more than a year ago)

lol i see what you did there

iso2012's avatar
iso2012      (more than a year ago)

For Mother Russia!

Partycommander's avatar
Partycommander      (more than a year ago)

Bedder than Crysis! ... realy!

Chrisyi's avatar
Chrisyi      (more than a year ago)

In Soviet Russia our bombs land on you

NocturnalMatty's avatar
NocturnalMatty     (more than a year ago)

WRONG! The Correct way is "In Soviet Russia, you land on bomb!"

justme's avatar
justme      (more than a year ago)

these are too good graphics for my comp :(

thehamzan6's avatar
thehamzan6           (more than a year ago)

oops, i commited suicide by pressing space :S

DPETTY's avatar
DPETTY           (more than a year ago)

R U serious

splat3333's avatar
splat3333     (more than a year ago)


Deathnote202's avatar
Deathnote202          (more than a year ago)

ummm i confused

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