Aero chaos Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Aug 29, 2010 7898 Plays Action 2.32 MB

Hacked By: josephweston    

Hack Information:
Unlimited Lives

Requested By: no one

Game Information
Defend the world from the clutches of chaos by destroying all the enemy planes and there bosses.

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williamzhang100's avatar
williamzhang100      (more than a year ago)

i only lost 6 lives and they lost 75,600

pepsi titan's avatar
pepsi titan      (more than a year ago)

on impossable i only killed one enemy (somehow)

schnajp96's avatar
schnajp96      (more than a year ago)

impossible is impossible

Torbor's avatar
Torbor      (more than a year ago)

my bad i was on impossible

Eagle Eye 50's avatar
Eagle Eye 50      (more than a year ago)

the boss looks like a f-22 mixed with a su-47 and jf-35

Eagle Eye 50's avatar
Eagle Eye 50      (more than a year ago)

Ok your flying an f-16c fighting falcon your enemy's are f-4 fantom,f-117 night hawk and su-47 berkuit

Torbor's avatar
Torbor      (more than a year ago)

this is gay they wont hullabaloo i n g die

Mr.Awesomekill's avatar
Mr.Awesomekill      (more than a year ago)

F22 BOSS!!!
or at least it looks kinda simmaler to one.....

Mr.Awesomekill's avatar
Mr.Awesomekill      (more than a year ago)

Kinda looks like someone made a side scroll Ace Combat
it has most of the planes..

pat9oo's avatar
pat9oo      (more than a year ago)

urgh i wish that instead of hacking more lives they wud just make is so u couldnt die

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