Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Press "1" to add 100 miles - Press "2" to subtract 100 miles
Requested By: KRLP
Game Information
Take a wild ride through the action packed daily routine of a Miami Shark, the destruction and mayhem is bound to rip your face off right through the screen. Intense shark-tion includes intense explosions, mass genocide of innocents and adrenaline pumping insanity.
NOTE: As in Sydney Shark the submit score won't work! So if you click submit and it says please wait, I wouldn't!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] Toggle Missiles Timer
Hacked By: leverage419
R.I.P Dave Petty...He is in a better place now...
The Subtract Miles Hack does not work
Its life man.
Dave... why did he have to go?
Screw cancer.
DPETTY... We really wish you'd come back. You changed games forever. We want you to stay. Thumbs up so Dave can see this and decide to come back.
QnQ He died from Cancer.
try new york shark :)
he he :3 ok :3
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