Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Health - Rage - Low Gravity - Snow - Rain - NOTE: Hack buttons located under the game!
Requested By: GoldenWarrior
Game Information
A young barbarian sets out on a quest to find the legendary Secret of Steel...
This one should work fine! I heard the one we had by 04wilsonm locked up your system. I will check the comments to see how its going!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle base health - [2] Money - [3] Coi...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Translate a inglish
ve a options y desactiva el zoom automatico , los bluer effects y los efectos de la camara
how did dpetty die
poor DPETTY )
i dont understand how DPETTY died its like a superhero (my favourite is superman) just died in front of me. please explain how he died?
how it wasnt a cruel death
hope he died in his sleep
It was cancer, bruh.
they made two versons of this game this one is better
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