Lock's Quest Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Sep 13, 2010 10412 Plays Beat em Up 4.41 KB

Hacked By: Galactius    

Hack Information:
HP - Upgrade/repair costs are decreased

Requested By: sanadax

Game Information
Protect your castle against the intruders.

NOTE: The game may freeze up after its over because there is no score table and it may look for one!

  • Currently 3/5
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mortezaalik's avatar
mortezaalik      (more than a year ago)

verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry easy!
idont like it

Diamon12345's avatar
Diamon12345      (more than a year ago)


Terceir0's avatar
Terceir0      (more than a year ago)

3 turrents?????

moshgirl78992352's avatar
moshgirl78992352      (more than a year ago)


croco167's avatar
croco167      (more than a year ago)

when you finish gauntlet mode they say you are 1% of players who have completed gauntlet well in ap i cant imagine how many people finished gauntlet

Masterloader's avatar
Masterloader      (more than a year ago)

it gets boring at the eighth level
There are only three types of guns
just too boring.

ursaring8's avatar
ursaring8     (more than a year ago)

You mean the 2nd lvl

mickie123's avatar
mickie123      (more than a year ago)

OMG! How did he hack this game even it's on the nintendo DS. Woah.maybe he downloaded this game by pirating.

sanadax's avatar
sanadax      (more than a year ago)

wow...u did it...u hacked ma request...
thanks guys.....
u r the best....

hornedskulldrake's avatar
hornedskulldrake      (more than a year ago)

this kinda fun and not make bored

Peter41093's avatar
Peter41093      (more than a year ago)

Much different from the DS version.

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