Starship Troopers Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Sep 24, 2010 20002 Plays Shooting 684.04 KB

Hacked By: ken2228    

Hack Information:

Requested By: chodegay

Game Information
Shoot the bugs with 3 different weapons.
Defend your military installation at all costs.

  • Currently 3.5/5
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Hacked By: leverage419



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Sasop22's avatar
Sasop22      (more than a year ago)

Finaly a starship troopers game

xXAndrew360Xx's avatar
xXAndrew360Xx      (more than a year ago)

Loved the movie i wacthed the movie a few things and still wacth it

spam24's avatar
spam24      (more than a year ago)

loved the movie

pokemon09's avatar
pokemon09      (more than a year ago)

tis is awesome

Junix's avatar
Junix      (more than a year ago)


chan145236's avatar
chan145236      (more than a year ago)

hey movie was 19 because too bloody

viper9172's avatar
viper9172      (more than a year ago)

i loved the movie

cody2404's avatar
cody2404      (more than a year ago)

this game sucks but, THE MOVIE FRIKIN ROCKS!!!!!!!!! Thumbs up if you've ever seen the movie and loved it.

wannedal000's avatar
wannedal000     (more than a year ago)

all 3 of'em are jump

kingleon's avatar
kingleon      (more than a year ago)

my bro hes 6 got 100000000000000000000000000000000000 points buy leaving the tab playing a better game

kingleon's avatar
kingleon      (more than a year ago)

dust jump for 5 year old game i hate it rate me down if u like i hate the jumping game

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