Jungle Dave Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Sep 25, 2010 6004 Plays Adventure 111.21 KB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
A lot of lives & bats can no longer hurt you

Game Information
Help Jungle Dave finish the missions, use the arrow keys to play.Avoid the bats,and try not to fall in the pile of leaves and collect the keys.

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Bandorra's avatar
Bandorra      (more than a year ago)


snogrd's avatar
snogrd      (more than a year ago)

this was easy

shemardurham@yah's avatar
shemardurham@yah      (more than a year ago)

hella wack

IEATCHU's avatar
IEATCHU      (more than a year ago)

hmm is that Mario's wife/son/daughter/twin o.o which one~

blabberman221's avatar
blabberman221     (more than a year ago)

long lost cousin?

Denis's avatar
Denis      (more than a year ago)

Meh kinda like it but kinda gets boring that is only my opinion don't argue only because of my opinion thank you

JACK$ON's avatar
JACK$ON      (more than a year ago)

i cant even get past the first level !!!!!!

justinalvarez123's avatar
justinalvarez123      (more than a year ago)

for some reason i hate this game but i get addicted after a while

jummyj's avatar
jummyj      (more than a year ago)


theoverlord34's avatar
theoverlord34      (more than a year ago)

why is everyone saying it's good it's awful worst game on this site good hacker miked with awful game equals rubbish it's not the hackers fault it's the guy who made the game in the first place

wobblekinz's avatar
wobblekinz     (more than a year ago)


andrecg's avatar
andrecg      (more than a year ago)

Good Game, Simple But very funny

Hack Awesome!

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