Missile Game 3D Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 14, 2009 22952 Plays Action 406.04 KB

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
Lives Hack

Game Information
Fly the missile with the mouse. If you move the mouse, the missile will follow your moving direction. To arrive the end of the pipe you must avoid crashing. On every new level the missile will fly a bit faster.

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connor12170's avatar
connor12170      (more than a year ago)

first look : ha this will be too easy

playing it : RAGE QUIT!!!

hotrod56478's avatar
hotrod56478      (more than a year ago)

Do touchy speed is so fun

aalak's avatar
aalak      (more than a year ago)

lol so easy game

Lightning5v5's avatar
Lightning5v5      (more than a year ago)

I would have rage quit if I hadn't found this hacked version. Much more relaxing.

chinka's avatar
chinka      (more than a year ago)


chinka's avatar
chinka      (more than a year ago)

Lol when i was guest i got lvl 5

xYtryxNiNjA's avatar
xYtryxNiNjA      (more than a year ago)

litterly i just didn't touch y muse for the whole game and got to level 12 without dieing

Lightning5v5's avatar
Lightning5v5     (more than a year ago)

There is no lvl 12...

Darkhack3r's avatar
Darkhack3r      (more than a year ago)

i dont imagine myself as a missle. when i play this i always picture myself as either sonic the hedgehog with air shoes or tails the fox on steroids 3

strilight's avatar
strilight      (more than a year ago)

Just imagine that you're flying and you have to make your head fly through.

krazykidd60's avatar
krazykidd60      (more than a year ago)

i beat it

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