Alpha Turret Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 02, 2010 7458 Plays Defence 781.2 KB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
Lots of HP,start off with 185 kills(so all weapons can be unlocked) & Unlimited ammo for all weapons.

Game Information
Shoot the incoming soldiers before they destroy your turret.Careful, accuracy is tracked.

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13823 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Turns - [2] Win Level

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4801552008's avatar
4801552008      (more than a year ago)

game dont pause!! WHAT THE FU...

aecadegamer101's avatar
aecadegamer101      (more than a year ago)

good weapons man but game! ???

raymor's avatar
raymor      (more than a year ago)

hack cool game suck

johnng159's avatar
johnng159      (more than a year ago)

bad game

reepskid's avatar
reepskid      (more than a year ago)

Like a cheap rip-off of storm the house.
only.. 100x worse.
and y not skip level hack?

IPWNNOOB's avatar
IPWNNOOB      (more than a year ago)

not that bad...

bjarret's avatar
bjarret      (more than a year ago)

btw good weapons and stuff bad game ^.^

bjarret's avatar
bjarret      (more than a year ago)

wish someone could hack into the game and switch stuff arround like make the turret a damn monkey lol that shoots bannas

lukovica's avatar
lukovica      (more than a year ago)

if u re using toaster hold spacebar and shoot

lukovica's avatar
lukovica      (more than a year ago)

shotgun toaster chaingun and arc cannon are the best :D
try that just wait until 100 soldners will came and kill them with toaster

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