Hacked By: harack
Hack Information:
Hexagons don't cost anything to fire - Select which color hexagon you want to fire with the number keys 1-9 - Mochi Score Board added for hacked scores! See Note Below!
Game Information
** NOTE: This game was created and uploaded by the developer. He has included a highscore table just for our hacked scores :P
A unique style match game where you bust hexagons to make as much money as possible!
Use the mouse to move your shooter, press the mouse button to fire a hex.
Press p to pause.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Toggle jumps
Hacked By: selectLOL
no jump
fly bithches
Its rather annoying knowing that I can't even get a good score at a hacked game. ha! Nice game. Thanks for the hack.
Thumbs Up If You Think This Thumbs Up Stuff Is Dumb...AW CRAP!
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