The Humans Are Dead Hacked

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Oct 09, 2010 12113 Plays Defence 4.24 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
A lot of resources.

Game Information
The humans are dead is an actual board game, similar to War, Catan, Kingsburg and other board games where players have to make meaningful decisions in order to beat their opponents.

Players can produce and find resources to advance their civilization, build walls to protect their territory, strategically place robots to defend key locations, and collect Evolution cards that can contain any results, such as benefiting from Philosophy, Transportation systems, or some other cards that while humorous, can be not that useful.

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ertyn1's avatar
ertyn1      (more than a year ago)

i cant play it

FenrisVargr's avatar
FenrisVargr      (more than a year ago)

Fk Off

Lthacker2345's avatar
Lthacker2345      (more than a year ago)

i can't see the board:(

fightglory's avatar
fightglory      (more than a year ago)

I cant help but laugh at your reasons humans are superior. First, Robots, after reaching a certain level of consciusness, can make and update themselves. Second, robots have "brains", just not as we know them. Third, They are resistant to biohazards.

Ab2701211's avatar
Ab2701211      (more than a year ago)

hack request its for fun just playing we arent dead and i gave an thumb up to you and the pro but pro isnt an profesional he thinks he is cool

rakoon99's avatar
rakoon99      (more than a year ago)

this is a stupid game y dont understand and theres no hack

rakoon99's avatar
rakoon99      (more than a year ago)

if humans are dead how we play this and 1.- humans cant die cause humans made robots 2.-humans have a brain to put alarms and missile 3.- we have mroe technology and infantry 4.-we can use nuclear bombs and atomic bombs

justinpat100's avatar
justinpat100     (more than a year ago)

robots are made in aliens. not humans so humans are dead.

david12376's avatar
david12376     (more than a year ago)

ya with 2 and 4 so can they and 3 cmon there made if more tech

hacksrequest187's avatar
hacksrequest187      (more than a year ago)

If the humans are dead how are we playing this?

Nightwolf654's avatar
Nightwolf654      (more than a year ago)

all you have to do to win is activate all resources

thinker's avatar
thinker      (more than a year ago)

for the guys who think that robots are better then you are wrong because robots are first created by humans second humans have a brain to think with but robots has no brain at all third the human body can make an alarm to all muscles hen you are in danger so your body will push its power to its limits thumbs up if you agree

storm-rider's avatar
storm-rider     (more than a year ago)

i agree humans are better, but machines can think, they're called AI's, sci-fi for now off course )

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