Undead Highway Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 11, 2010 44983 Plays Shooting 5.43 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Built in cheat Godmode is Enabled and Active = "Health, All Guns & Infinite Ammo" - All Built in cheats made easier to enable, only 1 key-press... See below!

Game Information
Built In Cheats easier to enable!
Godmode is already active as stated above, but I made it easier to enable also.Click the cheats button on the bottom left, then while on the cheat screen type in these 3 cheats!

Godmode = "g"
Health, All Guns & Infinite Ammo

Shortcut = "s"
Start the game on the last level!

Easy Keys = "k"
The Vehicle key appears sooner!

There you were, watching television and minding your own business when BAM! -undead apocalypse comes smashing right through your front door. But don't go feeling sorry for yourself, there's some survivors holding down a fortress at a place called Haven Island.

Fortunately, you've got a brain for making gadgets. Send those creeps back to the smelly world they came from by finding junk and assembling it into devastating weapons.

Keep an eye out for car keys, some of those zombies carry them around. Once you have them, find a car and drive the hell out of there!

This is a nice game with great cut-scenes after each level!

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4561 plays                       

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AlexKingdom's avatar
AlexKingdom      (more than a year ago)

Not work loading Pls fix it

dylanj0111's avatar
dylanj0111      (more than a year ago)

why is the shoot noise pbg,s "next slide noise?

clarkisawesome's avatar
clarkisawesome      (more than a year ago)

great game
o v e t h i s g a m e

MASSIVEGAMER999's avatar
MASSIVEGAMER999      (more than a year ago)


jollyman345's avatar
jollyman345      (more than a year ago)

how to mute the sounds?

Jac34's avatar
Jac34      (more than a year ago)

Awsome Game

zorlat's avatar
zorlat      (more than a year ago)

don't dislike blank comments, they're just hidden! click the show button to see them! :D

teeandcrumpetz's avatar
teeandcrumpetz      (more than a year ago)

good ending but kinda bad graphics

EzioJoe's avatar
EzioJoe      (more than a year ago)

Oh yeah by the way, I think the hero is a Chinese dude, and the guy waving on the island looks like James Franco.

kralunhacker's avatar
kralunhacker      (more than a year ago)

FAIL. He drove all the way there for nothin....:(

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