Hacked By: roflmao987
Hack Information:
Lots of resources,HP,EN,PV & Nest HP
Game Information
Protect your NESTS from hundreds of enemies, while fortifying your defense by settling sentries, upgrading Reavers (and sentries), repairing NESTS, and increasing your proficiency with your weapon.
You don't have to master all of the guns to finish the game. The main weapon that is useful all-around the game is the beam vulcan (that's why i set it into default weapon).
The Shell cannon is optional and has low firerate, and a bit inferior in the early game. But if you could upgrade it into maximum, it will kickass (and the total cost to upgrade it is the lowest of all weapon the game). I scored 800-900 critical damage with it one time when i play. And of course, maximum upgraded energy + Max Shell Proficiency + Spam = Total win in the "Our Destiny" (Full-GHASTs) stage.
The Crescent gun, yeah, it's barely usable in the game. But you can upgrade it into max to use it in the "Missile Scramble" stage to make LOTS of streak and score (And >30 streak = Highest Achievement in pilot rank!).
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [3] Lives - [4] Gold - [5] Toggle specials -...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Godmode - [2] Toggle Ammo - [3] T...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Lives
Hacked By: leverage419
i spent all my fricken money on sentries
needs money hack and my 999th game woot
nvm the health section doesn't work
spammed a bunch of sentries and now i'm lagging.
126th game ( 'o' ) yay
GETS BORING IN A WHILE BUT STILL A FUN GAME (sorry acidentelly had caps lock on)
176th game and been on for about to weeks whith my acount
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