Zombie Breaker Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 16, 2010 7247 Plays Arcade 1.08 MB

Hacked By: Xnite       

Hack Information:
Choose how many balls you want for each level.

Game Information
A zombie game with a difference. Instead of firing bullets or using chainsaws, Zombie-Breaker is a zombie arcade game by employing the Breakout game mechanics.<br />

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kashmir16's avatar
kashmir16      (more than a year ago)


MyMindSpeak's avatar
MyMindSpeak      (more than a year ago)

What the-

This game is like a hangover. It makes my head throb painfully.. Tsk..

supaboy56's avatar
supaboy56      (more than a year ago)

"choose how many balls you want for each level" ...verrry mature...

Headshot244's avatar
Headshot244      (more than a year ago)

English:this game is boring

espaol:este juego es aburido

owencope123's avatar
owencope123      (more than a year ago)

gayyyyyerrrrrr than my mate

rafa.fast's avatar
rafa.fast      (more than a year ago)

this game is boring and very anoing ' as thevictor123 say,the zombies must by dancing .-. i hope e better hack,like fireing more than 5 balls at the same moment.

kaichun4's avatar
kaichun4      (more than a year ago)

i prefer 2 balls more then 3 ....you dont wanna know...

XXlegoXX's avatar
XXlegoXX     (more than a year ago)

because of game?

zeno12's avatar
zeno12      (more than a year ago)

ubah gay

sethn's avatar
sethn      (more than a year ago)


jimmyisfat's avatar
jimmyisfat      (more than a year ago)

this game is gay

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