Hacked By: ZuckeRb
Hack Information:
Money - Unlimited ammo - Grenades - Invincibility.
Game Information
I's the Apocalypse once again. This time it's your typing skills that will save the day. Good thing the Zombies are blathering on about stupid things - you should use that, and your supreme typing skills, to target 'em!
Type those Zombies to Death!
Instructions:Type Words to Kill Zombies
Buy Upgrades to Kill Zombies Faster
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [5] Toggle health - [6] Toggle valor - [7] L...
Hacked By: selectLOL
why would you use a typewriter to type kill a zombie when you can slap the zombie with a typewriter!
inst apocalypse?
omg there making me type gross toleit words but that was funny when they made me type zombie words like flesh brains and stuff like that...lol
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