Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press Z Toggle Energy - X Toggle Ammo - C Toggle Upgrades - V Money
Game Information
NOTE: It seems like only player 1 can use the airstrike,dohnut & giant dohnut :(
Peoples pets are turning into zombies! zombie pets! But it's ok because 2 donut sellers are ready to help out! "Big" Bert, and "Slim" Jim will save the world while eating donuts! Work as a team in 2 player mode (on same machine) or alone! Zombies are attacking your donut stand and they need to be stopped! shoot them with your different weapons to gain money and points! Each level has different numbers of zombies to kill before you can progress to the next level. 40 levels to complete! Shoot the money as it rises to increase it! Move the cross hair around the screen with the mouse (if player 1, or use the arrow keys on the keyboard if player 2). Shoot your gun by clicking the left mouse button if it's a manual gun (like the colt) or holding the left mouse button down if it's an automatic gun like a machine gun. Player 2 uses the space bar to fire. "q" will quit the game. "p" will pause it.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Bullets - [3] Wool
Hacked By: leverage419
no selectLOL is
its taking tooooooo long to load
Oh! so he was talkin' about the drink... i get it now!
LOL if you shoot the grenade launcher too long it will turn into bullets!
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