Cursor Thief Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Feb 06, 2009 12027 Plays Arcade 99.93 KB

Hacked By: killer1478    

Hack Information:
You have a red mouse, the guy barley ever goes after your cursor, 9999 score on pressing play, the guy has a mustache added a mustache pose for him, to lose u got to put your mouse on the guy then the game auto ends causing u to reload if you want to pla

Game Information
We dare you to keep your cursor safe for more than a few minutes.

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yolointheyoyo's avatar
yolointheyoyo      (more than a year ago)

It sucks...

Kafooda's avatar
Kafooda      (more than a year ago)

worst jump!

lucasjonas's avatar
lucasjonas      (more than a year ago)

fuc game is horrible and fail! this are a piece of dust!

Nutnut101's avatar
Nutnut101      (more than a year ago)

this game fuks goats

GreyVoid's avatar
GreyVoid      (more than a year ago)

To get a hand looking cursor, right click then left click

arcadecool's avatar
arcadecool      (more than a year ago)


sriker's avatar
sriker      (more than a year ago)

the mustache guy should still throw bombs and missiles and drop the walls thumbs if u agree and thumbs if u dont

WoodSmasher's avatar
WoodSmasher      (more than a year ago)

noob killer u dumb why u puted you name in the game and suck im?

4114's avatar
4114      (more than a year ago)

the unhacked form is very hard

Xehacavdev's avatar
Xehacavdev      (more than a year ago)

Japanese or Chinese?

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