Giraffe Got Game Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 11, 2010 8422 Plays Shooting 1.34 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Money and health.

Game Information
Spacebar to buy upgrades, mouse to kick every a$$ of everything already seen and done.

  • Currently 4/5
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4.11  based on 66 votes. Game or hack broken? Report it.
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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

is that girraffe peeing? if so his things in the wrong place

Lessmad253's avatar
Lessmad253      (more than a year ago)

In the upgrades menu... I googled tigers can't catch griaffes

aden144425's avatar
aden144425      (more than a year ago)

im dust

vini4567's avatar
vini4567      (more than a year ago)

you know,just saying that it's annoying when people "say thumbs up if you like this game"or"thumbs up if you agree"with something if agree just thumbs up if you want )

hubbleog's avatar
hubbleog      (more than a year ago)


Temall's avatar
Temall      (more than a year ago)

funny or die? lame...

wasa2303's avatar
wasa2303      (more than a year ago)


lokster08's avatar
lokster08      (more than a year ago)

this rulz

SharkMan003's avatar
SharkMan003      (more than a year ago)

so many achievment.....
can't count !!

ranguvar's avatar
ranguvar      (more than a year ago)

this giraffe is so awesome it shoots lasers out of its a$$

brp's avatar
brp     (more than a year ago)


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