Messing with the Neighbour Hacked


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Nov 12, 2010 9150 Plays Action 1.14 MB

Hacked By: Carpet    

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Game Information
You are at war with your neighbour! Your mission is to mess up your neighbour house by throwing messy things at it!

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DeviousShadows's avatar
DeviousShadows      (more than a year ago)

what a jump

smaker910's avatar
smaker910      (more than a year ago)

carpet is getting some good hacks in

asadexedus321's avatar
asadexedus321      (more than a year ago)

"Thumbs Up"=Good Game
"Thumbs Down"=Bad Game

untamedhacker's avatar
untamedhacker      (more than a year ago)

Remember you are rating the hack not the game.

randomzboyz's avatar
randomzboyz      (more than a year ago)

Wood-Pan Batt-Broom Fish-P late Thumbs up if i helped :)

wiislayer's avatar
wiislayer      (more than a year ago)

gay thats all i have to say

Mr_Hacker's avatar
Mr_Hacker      (more than a year ago)

Fish-Plate Thumbs up if i helped :)

Mr_Hacker's avatar
Mr_Hacker      (more than a year ago)

Egg Fish
Tomato dust
Wood Pan
Batt Broom
Fish Plate Thumbs up if i helped :)

VictorDSi's avatar
VictorDSi      (more than a year ago)

Egg fish=bomb
tomato dirt=?
wood pan=catupat battery broom=blaster fish plate=?

nuketheturtle's avatar
nuketheturtle     (more than a year ago)

tomato dirt= dirted tomato

fish plate=plate of rotten fish

Stewart234's avatar
Stewart234      (more than a year ago)


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