Martian Madfish Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Feb 17, 2009 8690 Plays Arcade 622.36 KB

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

Hack Information:
Infinite Bubbles, 999 Continues and you swim fast in the water.

Game Information
In Martian Madfish you swim around jumping out of the water doing tricks and collecting bubbles.

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legolover12's avatar
legolover12      (more than a year ago)

weirdest ending ever...

MK626972007's avatar
MK626972007      (more than a year ago)

how the f*** will the owner(s) of tht goldfish not know tht the fish in the bowl isn't their goldfish.
1. The fish is red not golden yellow
2. they are just dumbasses
thumbs down for choice 1 thumbs up for choice 2

DonnaHL's avatar
DonnaHL      (more than a year ago)

ure right weird ending

DonnaHL's avatar
DonnaHL      (more than a year ago)

i think it sucks.

i dont care if u give me tumbs down

seaboy98's avatar
seaboy98      (more than a year ago)

LOL werid ending lols btw how can be a clean shot drop into a fish bowl?

seaboy98's avatar
seaboy98      (more than a year ago)

OMG I GO UNTIL 4500 ft

Spearfish's avatar
Spearfish      (more than a year ago)

fish that is as big as goldfish destroys saucer?

pikmin sweet's avatar
pikmin sweet      (more than a year ago)

noooo my gold fiiiishhhh@!!!!!!!1

antonio1999's avatar
antonio1999      (more than a year ago)

weird ending...

Tidus1's avatar
Tidus1      (more than a year ago)

who really cares wat score u get u jusst waste ur time at getting up there

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