Epsilon Strain Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 04, 2010 8597 Plays Shooting 4.13 MB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
Health - Ammo - Credits - Purchases add credits - Shop Items Unlocked - Time increases instead of decreasing

Game Information
The Goal of the game is to clear all 5 sectors.
Each sector consists of several missions, and are visible within the map. The numbers on each mission indicate their difficulty level. Progress through all levels to unlock the next sector.

Zombie's Often drop energy packets. These are used as ammos(blue) and to recharge the armour(green). Your Armour and weapon can also auto recharge at a slower rate.
After each cleared mission you are able to scavenge the area. Level summary screen will show what you have found, usually credits and mod-chips.
Mod-chips allow you to modify your weapon.
Mod-chops can be equipped on the equip page. Modding requires the supported weapon chip to be equipped.
Modding a weapon chip can only be done once per weapon chip, so choose wisely.
Muting sound effects and music can be done by right-clicking.

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homergarcia's avatar
homergarcia      (more than a year ago)

armor chip std

shamman1's avatar
shamman1      (more than a year ago)


superstop's avatar
superstop      (more than a year ago)


squigy97's avatar
squigy97      (more than a year ago)

damn, them sombayz is BLUE!

squigy97's avatar
squigy97      (more than a year ago)

the game is worth the hack. WD

pio222's avatar
pio222      (more than a year ago)

well done game xD

yoman360*1's avatar
yoman360*1      (more than a year ago)

Cool Game thumbs up if you like bananas. Thumbs down if ur gay.

zacx666's avatar
zacx666      (more than a year ago)

haz awEsomE mUsic

yourithemaster's avatar
yourithemaster      (more than a year ago)


benjamingarcia's avatar
benjamingarcia      (more than a year ago)


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