Fly Squirrel Fly 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 04, 2010 31244 Plays Action 3.02 MB

Hacked By: Carpet    

Hack Information:
More money added, easy money earning and infinite rocket fuel.

Requested By: l0l4eva66

Game Information
Sling your squirrel as far as possible in this distance game. Keep him airborn as long as you possibly can.

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benwildlife's avatar
benwildlife      (more than a year ago)

omg this freaking alien abducts me when i get to 200 ft T_T

JamesKiro's avatar
JamesKiro     (more than a year ago)

Same! Its always either A dino or a plant or jump!

lovro's avatar
lovro      (more than a year ago)

good game boys!

SuperHackerX's avatar
SuperHackerX      (more than a year ago)

the jerk from berzerkland turned super saiyan.

coolpreston007's avatar
coolpreston007      (more than a year ago)


Luke1313's avatar
Luke1313      (more than a year ago)

stupid green plants

9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll      (more than a year ago)

I'm pretty sure you don't yell "ewwww" when you get exploded by a bomb

rebun12's avatar
rebun12      (more than a year ago)

the secret item is...

a plane

Loedingup's avatar
Loedingup     (more than a year ago)

*Gasp* Spoilers!

rebun12's avatar
rebun12      (more than a year ago)

cheat to avoid the ufo:
launch you up and activate the rocket and
dont stop before you get the 300 fts

rebun12's avatar
rebun12      (more than a year ago)


anibroto's avatar
anibroto      (more than a year ago)

Squirell is working with teh learn to fly penguin

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