Crazy Action Joe Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 10, 2010 12104 Plays Action 3.87 MB

Hacked By: Carpet    

Hack Information:
Money added - NOTE: You auto win the first level so just hit "AGAIN" to continue!

Game Information
Your aim is to get Crazy Action Joe deep behind enemy lines, you can upgrade through the shop and win achievements on the way.

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kprusoe21's avatar
kprusoe21      (more than a year ago)

not working :) :(

didderoni's avatar
didderoni      (more than a year ago)

plz hack knight elite infinite money

z9z9suba's avatar
z9z9suba      (more than a year ago)

Got him 10000000000000 ft high lololololol xxdxdxdx!

aceace41's avatar
aceace41      (more than a year ago)

omg full power lazor cannon n i went 19 ft LOL

00smash00's avatar
00smash00      (more than a year ago)

I got all the guns without the last cannon on unhacked

rares21's avatar
rares21      (more than a year ago)

BAZUCA ????!!! its bazooka !

jono37's avatar
jono37      (more than a year ago)


viziertim's avatar
viziertim      (more than a year ago)

I got him over 50,000 feet high...a job well done!

armydude's avatar
armydude      (more than a year ago)

I wish I have cobra bite in the butt so a girl would suck it

dexterwolf's avatar
dexterwolf      (more than a year ago)

hack could have been better like ifinite ammo and the game nukes should be like toss the turtle 1

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