Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Press 1 for +100 maxhealth - 2 to heal you - 3 for money.
Game Information
A foul demon has overtaken the island of Reverie and enslaved its villagers in a treacherous nightmare prison. When all hope seems lost a unsuspecting hero is called from his home and must travel vast oceans and collect the legendary Lantern Of Nightmare fragments to save them.
Walk through link is located in the game.
Press G while playing to open the link.
-Options can be adjusted from item screen. Press space and navigate at the top by pressing the A key.
-Move - Keys
-Space - Open / Close Item Screen
-A - Talk/Read/Proceed Test/ Pick up items/ put sword up
-S - Use sword/take out sword
-D - Use Equipped Items
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Hp - [2] Toggle Exhaust
Hacked By: leverage419
this game sucks
every time when i click guide the keys (and mouse clicks) always go to the guide web
but cool game
how can i get to the 4th island, make the people awake and wheres the first boss?!
this music comes from a movie.....
where too find better swords plz tell
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