Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press G Toggle Health - H Toggle Ammo - J All Weapons Unlocked
Game Information
Survive the endless zombie rampage. Upgrade your character, weapons, and base along the way. And for those of you who just want pure, straight to the point, zombie killing action, check out the survival mode.
Includes 30 enemies, 22 weapons, and endless zombie slaughter!
Cheats: Key Hacks: Press [1] Lives +10 (Player 1) - [2] Level Up/Upg...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Nos - [2] Money - [3] Grades - [4]...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Toggle lives
Hacked By: selectLOL
this is like boxhead
nice game leverage!
hold spacebar when you have frag.. NUKE!
Dumb Dex: THIS IS BOXHEAD... right?
Smart Sam: Yeeah, but the zombies don't have boxes for heads.
Dumb Dex: BUT IT IS... right.
Smart Sam: You retard, IT ISN'T!
Smart Sam: (sigh)
Smart Sam: You are a retard.
Dumb Dex: Oh.
I glitch through the wall with barricades awesome i cant die
Which wall did you hack through?
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Id kill for some cheese puffs right now! :D
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