Astro Dog Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 18, 2010 5948 Plays Shooting 1.87 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Infinite lives

Game Information
Collect space rocket parts, fuels and provision to pass to the next level. Avoid and shoot all enemies.

Game controls: Left / Right Arrow Keys - Move.
Up Arrow Key - Fly.
Spacebar - Shoot.

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megaman23134's avatar
megaman23134      (more than a year ago)

when did a dog learn how to use a gun

hasnain644's avatar
hasnain644      (more than a year ago)

lol planets have no gravity.. how come hes falling on the ground

DeadlyDoughnuts's avatar
DeadlyDoughnuts      (more than a year ago)

Why is the dog on this planet in the first place?

Metorex's avatar
Metorex     (more than a year ago)

cause you touch yourself at night

deklin_yo's avatar
deklin_yo      (more than a year ago)

ummm you wouldnt need a jetpack...

Jonasdk's avatar
Jonasdk      (more than a year ago)

Those huge spammers here, and everywhere else on Arcadeprehacks, do us all a huge favor. Get lost, or better yet. Hit by a damn truck.

samisplaying's avatar
samisplaying      (more than a year ago)

not that fun

megafan's avatar
megafan      (more than a year ago)


jeromedeleon's avatar
jeromedeleon      (more than a year ago)

so very good game

lords's avatar
lords      (more than a year ago)

O_o a carb in space how can that happen

HairEbalsak's avatar
HairEbalsak      (more than a year ago)

Every level is the same....

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