Mars Massacre 3D Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 20, 2010 7671 Plays Defence 394.47 KB

Hacked By: Carpet    

Hack Information:
More energy added

Game Information
You must defend your base as your people try to escape. Shoot all the flying enemies that plans to bring you down but be careful because friendly units (blue) are also flying around. Good luck and enjoy!

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jotabeas's avatar
jotabeas      (more than a year ago)

suck my flabbergastation,bastards

wooot143's avatar
wooot143      (more than a year ago)

this game is game just like beiber

tommygun33's avatar
tommygun33      (more than a year ago)

only one word can describe this game: bad

Melore's avatar
Melore      (more than a year ago)

Not the 3d game i was expecting....HORRIBLE!!!!

TECNOLOGIC      (more than a year ago)

music is good ish

pistols1234's avatar
pistols1234      (more than a year ago)

ajjejejajajjajajajajajajajaj i shoot friendly ships i said hey what t he jump

vvfl's avatar
vvfl      (more than a year ago)

this game sucks

KnightXlnce's avatar
KnightXlnce      (more than a year ago)

Its Alien Attack!!!

Fuddrippe's avatar
Fuddrippe      (more than a year ago)

What kind of retard flies through an anti-aircraft gun that's shooting down your enemies.

duc90's avatar
duc90      (more than a year ago)

and it is the worst game in the history of games!

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