Santa Can Fly Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 30, 2010 16072 Plays Arcade 4.24 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
No Money Needed to buy upgrades - Cannon hack (Unlocking and buying)

Requested By: wesker5164

Game Information
Use cannons, bombs, and grenades to shoot Santa as far as possible! Collect cash to upgrade your cannon and improve your skills.
Mouse & Arrow keys

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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ven231's avatar
ven231      (more than a year ago)


supermegabass's avatar
supermegabass      (more than a year ago)

Fly YES!!! Land NOO!!!!!!!!

penzxce's avatar
penzxce      (more than a year ago)

it took me 5

hosang's avatar
hosang      (more than a year ago)

santa:fire me to England and Ill pay you 5000 bucks.
me:(upgrades cannon fully)
(fires santa) 1 year later... santa:Why am I still flying? s

hosang's avatar
hosang     (more than a year ago)

santa:(lands in the north pole)FTW?!!!!I GOT 5000 BUCKS RIPOFFED!

demonscool's avatar
demonscool      (more than a year ago)

do u mean ull jump from 82 floor and down there are matress,trampoline,bed or something like that???

SmooothE's avatar
SmooothE      (more than a year ago)

Sort of similar to Toss The Turtle.

badbadday's avatar
badbadday      (more than a year ago)

give me 100 thumbs up and ill jump from the 82nd floor

xxattacker's avatar
xxattacker     (more than a year ago)

of what?!?!?!

badbadday's avatar
badbadday      (more than a year ago)

fly _check_
land_never ever_
get achievments easyily _way yes_

mac23's avatar
mac23      (more than a year ago)

i playing i'm still in the sky

pokemonmaster110's avatar
pokemonmaster110      (more than a year ago)

i left it on for 2 days straight and it was still fltying

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