Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Press Z- to add 1000 lives every click - Press X- to activate unlimited ammo and stronger weapons (Note: There's no weapon 5. Weapons 1- 4 only so just don't mind the 5.)
Game Information
Your mission in this awesome flash shooter is to kill all the insects that attacks you. Some of the killed creatures may drop items and power-ups. Do your best to collect every power-up or weapon you can. You will need it to be able to destroy the bigger insects. The best strategy in this game is to use the "Retreating Fire" tactic. Try to move in a circular fashion so you can pick up the power-ups those insects drop. Use "W", "A", "S", "D" KEYS to move around. Use YOUR MOUSE to aim and click LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to shoot. Use 1-5 KEYS to change weapon. Good luck!
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Next Level - [2] Previous Level
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle instant kill - [2] Add balls
Hacked By: selectLOL
I dont like it its bad
you know whats missing? insects. all i see is enraged robots and turrets firing plasma rounds and spraying bullets at me. great game though
Where is the 'pause' button??? My thumbs are KILLING!!! :)
what was weapon No. 5?
A VERY good game Thanks 4 the hack
A Happy New Year to All @ Ardadeprehacks users.
Happy New Year To Every Body and am i the only person in this site who says this?
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