Hacked By: Anonymous
Hack Information:
Shorter String - Infinite Slowmo
Game Information
Guide your string from the START to the END block without touching the walls. Click on the START block to pick up your string. While holding down the left mouse button, move the mouse to navigate through the maze. You can release the left mouse button to drop your string. Run your string through scissors to make it shorter. Hold down the space bar to activate slow-mo.
i cant play no string
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassss sssssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Very nice those hacks, makes it muuuuch more easier!
The last level, "Bunkers", is EVIL!!!...("L.O.L."...feh...)
easy to finish its only use the ESY METHOD from MasterDoom (otherwise i already known this before read the comment)
THIS GAME IS EASY (Sort of) if you follow these simple steps. 1. Click START. 2. DON'T HOLD DOWN LEFT MOUSE KEY. 3. CLICK and RELEASE LEFT MOUSE KEY in direction you want to go. Use Step 3 to maneuver your line to the EXIT of your choice. Enjoy!
I use the above EASY METHOD to complete ALL LEVELS in game! :-)
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