Dragon Spirits Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 04, 2011 13043 Plays Action 11.12 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Increased health and lives

Game Information
A band of enemies are wreaking havoc in your town and you are the only martial arts expert. Learn the keys or customize them and complete the 16 levels. It's in chinese, but it pretty simple to figure out. Have Fun!

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Hacked By: leverage419



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torapocky1155's avatar
torapocky1155      (more than a year ago)


mark2016's avatar
mark2016      (more than a year ago)

after an our to load a game oh dust!

CharlesPenaloza's avatar
CharlesPenaloza      (more than a year ago)

I can't even play it. this game takes a very long time to load.

kuhanssj4's avatar
kuhanssj4      (more than a year ago)

awesome game

uns12586's avatar
uns12586      (more than a year ago)

the guy in green is pretty good

ysnfrn01's avatar
ysnfrn01      (more than a year ago)

The Game End the total amont of bosses:28 Bosses it took me mostly 2HRS

stillman's avatar
stillman      (more than a year ago)

How does this game ends?????????

hieu401's avatar
hieu401     (more than a year ago)

you fight against 3 bosses

DemonicWarr's avatar
DemonicWarr      (more than a year ago)

1 Game of all time.

brickartmaster's avatar
brickartmaster      (more than a year ago)

its to much like commando..

ardian99's avatar
ardian99      (more than a year ago)

this game is wow

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