Dungeon Dice Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 16, 2011 11381 Plays Adventure 2.33 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
A lot of HP and MP.

Game Information
Defeat enemies by rolling your dices.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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abdullahquaid's avatar
abdullahquaid      (more than a year ago)


ozan12345's avatar
ozan12345      (more than a year ago)


bandit31's avatar
bandit31      (more than a year ago)

he game would be better if it used the sum and not the best, because it's annoying when they get 6 every round and it takes forever to beat them, because even if you get 6 they take no damage.

9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll     (more than a year ago)

But then the Power Mage alignment would have been the most used and the Life Mage Alignment would be the least used.

spaceking12's avatar
spaceking12      (more than a year ago)

it was easy

hobosobotvok's avatar
hobosobotvok      (more than a year ago)

wow looks like ya gained some rolls there nice how do you eat a million donuts at once

spaceking12's avatar
spaceking12      (more than a year ago)

me to

hobosobotvok's avatar
hobosobotvok      (more than a year ago)

fun great hack keeps you on till the end

zavern's avatar
zavern      (more than a year ago)

Am I the only one that this reminds them of Dungeon Dice Duel Monsters from the old Yu-gi-oh anime?

zavern's avatar
zavern     (more than a year ago)

When you pick your mage class that is, the symbols are like those ones.

bowolf157's avatar
bowolf157      (more than a year ago)

mine takes forever 2 lode :(

jplf4567's avatar
jplf4567      (more than a year ago)

i do not lose HP in the boss!!!

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