Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Press 1 for full Prada - 2 for to toolge auto full Prada on/off - 3 for full base health - 4 to toogle auto full base health on/off - 5 for instant win - 6 for upgrade points
Game Information
Age of Defense is back! Battle through 32 units, unlock 32 unique skills, use tree-based upgrade system and beat over 100 levels!
Move mouse to the edge of screen to scroll map or use LEFT/RIGHT and A/D.
Click any unit's icons to unleash units.
Each units has an unique special skills, here's the list of all skills:
Blast Out, Fast Forward, Triple Ammo, Rolling, Clone, More Stones, Fire Power, Mega Fire, Self Destruction, Tree of Horror, Hurricane, Meteor, Stronger, Power Arrow, Stun, Fire Balls, Lighting, Enchanting Arrow, Run Away, Rapid Fire, Jumping, Poison Arrow, Gun Blast, Machine Gun, Flying Gun, Air Strike, Multiple Launch, More Bombs, Light Power, Chaos, Low Price, Unlimited Move.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Soldier's Health - [2] Toggl...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Scrap
Hacked By: leverage419
Really a very good game.
Download the SuperNova SWF Enabler expansion to avoid losing the flash and arcadeprehacks
wish got many modern troops
I Wonder Who Edit's This Website? Is It SelectLOL?
And The Medusa Troops Was Much Lol She Has A Laser Beam Super Attack So She Will Be Named As "Supermedusa" LOLOLOL Is It Edited?
i got all the units!!!!!!!!!
Epicest game ever!
SELECTLOL is cool !
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