Mini Scientist Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jan 20, 2011 16863 Plays Adventure 306 B

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
Press key 1 to go to the next level - Press key 2 to go back a level - - Built-in Cheat: Using the 'tab' key and the arrow keys, you can see all the clickable items on the screen.

Game Information
The mini scientist needs an engine for his rocket to get to the space. Use your mouse to point and click causing a chain of actions and reactions that will unlock each mini level.

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CATMAN132's avatar
CATMAN132      (more than a year ago)

dogs are fed up thumbs up if u love cats

appang's avatar
appang      (more than a year ago)

game unlimited/unlimited,hack 5/5

diamonx's avatar
diamonx      (more than a year ago)

dat mad scientist bombed a hot girl XD what had hearts thubs up if he bombed someone innocent

puffylim's avatar
puffylim      (more than a year ago)

U know there are a few steps u should do:
1)play this game
2)go home
3)die or bordness
4)complain to king Hades 5)drag the creator of this game to hell

cees's avatar
cees     (more than a year ago)

im alrady home :P

puffylim's avatar
puffylim      (more than a year ago)

hi this is mdm killer face i am here to kill the mad scientist u speck of mr ben 2121 i will destroy him one one condition pay me $9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999

ben2121's avatar
ben2121      (more than a year ago)

this is a police talking:uhhh..we have reports of a mad scientist with photosithisic powers whp stole a car and a plane,called an airstrike on somewone,stole a boat,terrowized a moraine research facility,and stole a rocket engine! thums up plz

sy12222's avatar
sy12222      (more than a year ago)

... doesnt let me make smiley face =.=

sy12222's avatar
sy12222      (more than a year ago)

wow everything for the sake of science right D lol

useben212's avatar
useben212      (more than a year ago)

almost all the games in fast games are short...i play that site before i got to this awesome site thumbs up if i am right or thumbs down if u r gay

midlifecrisi's avatar
midlifecrisi     (more than a year ago)


killforskill's avatar
killforskill     (more than a year ago)

That's pretty much why the site being called "FAST" games.

vilmasta19's avatar
vilmasta19      (more than a year ago)

good game thumbs up if d petty is best hacker
this game has pointless hacks

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