Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
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Game Information
In the strategy game Defend Fishboat it is your task to control the fishermen that protect their boat against enemy units. Activate several fishermen with different skills. Earn cash to upgrade equipment and skills to survive for as long as you can.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Toggle fuel - [3] E...
Hacked By: selectLOL
loader not working
Isn't working for me. It's just not loading. The first time I played this game, it was working fine.
Maybe its the computer your on or just the actual game, I tried playing this game in other sites. right clicked it, and it always said movie no loaded. So it might not be Dpetty's Fault even though she want to try fix it
wtf I can't even play it
i wish they would put more hacks so it would be better it sucks monkey dic*s like press 1 to add an extra boat or something like that
i dont like the game no offence i like dpetty selectLOL martin ristov or whatever there good. i kept having to rebuy stuff after every lvl.Did u guys have that problem?
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