Hungry Space Hacked


Game & Hack Information

May 16, 2009 16418 Plays Arcade 169.37 KB

Hacked By: bodocabdd    

Hack Information:
Doesn't matter the size. You can eat any monster you want.

Game Information
Eat smaller aliens to grow larger.

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Supermax1912's avatar
Supermax1912      (more than a year ago)

This Is A MoFunZone Game...

chasemath's avatar
chasemath      (more than a year ago)

this is stuped

Gangsta23's avatar
Gangsta23      (more than a year ago)


asomematt's avatar
asomematt      (more than a year ago)

?????? i pretend that the monsters are chikin:D

LightUmbreon's avatar
LightUmbreon      (more than a year ago)

...I GOT 911666!

am I gonna die soon?

WhammSamm's avatar
WhammSamm     (more than a year ago)

I beat you, and no you invincible

bobonosis's avatar
bobonosis      (more than a year ago)

whi u cant save your score

Gamoroid's avatar
Gamoroid      (more than a year ago)


totalhackpack's avatar
totalhackpack      (more than a year ago)

i got creepy results because my computer f-u-c-k-e-d up it says dance away from tacos o-O

pylondragon's avatar
pylondragon      (more than a year ago)


HunterMan's avatar
HunterMan      (more than a year ago)

eat the big ones and the medium ones for this score 5167

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