Hacked By: Blank
Hack Information:
Weapons Unlocked Sooner
Game Information
You have the almighty power of the gods! Wielding your divine weapons, you control life and death.
Aim and shoot with the mouse
Cheats: Hackmenu: Press [4] Toggle health - [5] Toggle armor - [6] T...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] ...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] Coins
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Win Level
Hacked By: leverage419
no lie my mom loves this game :)
for every 10 thumbs ups i get i kill 10 bugs with my mac-11 airsoft gun
insectonator is way better
this makes shi.t
look good
Fun and scary game.
boom i got a headshot
Thumbs Up When u get a headshot
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