Complete each level before timer runs out
[W,A,S,D] or [Arrow] to steer
Press [P] to Pause/Resume
Press & Hold [N] or [Shift] for Nitro
Press [R] to Reset Car

for powerups
Pass through

for checkpoints.
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Vignesh Ramesh: Project lead, Programming, Game art, Music and sounds, Game logo, Level Design
Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila: Particle effects, Smokescreen powerup, Screenshake, Pool-ball car collisions, Music(draft monk), Level Design(Level 8), Screen display optimization, Menu screen, Random level generator
Tyler Pederson: Play testing, Code Refactoring, Overhead Spaceships code, Drop bombs
Jenna Johnson: Fade in story, Mine shoot functionality, Timer Powerup, Game-over Screen, Firebase Integration
Chris DeLeon: Initial code, Dead car art, Laser turrets, Mines, Best-time mode, Enemy car AI smoothen
Caspar "SpadXIII" Dunant: Invincible powerup, Pause screen and Skip story functionality, Frame rate optimization
Jeremy Kenyon: Inital enemy AI, Bullet-car collisions, Line of sight for enemy AI
BazZy: Perspective Building art, Timer and Health display
Ezovex Dickson Goh: Play testing, Particle effects(collectibles)
A. Joël Lamotte "Klaim": Background music(Escape to the core), Uniform random numbers
Drew Disher: Inverted steering, Turn rate bug
Jeremy Jackson: Frame rate Optimization
Asix Jin: Background music(Clash Legends)
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