Cheats: 999999999 money loads of damage for everything upgraded range 999999999 lives
Hacked By: Themanhunt
Cheats: 999,999 lives ans have all weapons when game begins.
Hacked By: jbdogtag
Cheats: money,castle health, unlocked specials, no special needed for special skills
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Infinite Fuel on all tanks, Never reaches temperature, No wind and No Gravity. N ...
Hacked By: greeny6000*1
Cheats: Unhittable character (Can be toggled ON/OFF with SHIFT), Fly hack (Can be toggle ...
Hacked By: PsyCHo
Cheats: Dog is faster,man is lighter,man jumps,lower gravity
Hacked By: toeniskoetter
Cheats: Everything is free and 1000 part limit
Hacked By: Just1nkr3d1bl3, DPETTY
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