aznvietshrty23's Profile


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Join date:
06 Jun 2009

I felt bad for leaving this blank, so now it's not blank.

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aznvietshrty23's Favorite Games
Murloc Stranglethorn Fever

Murloc Stranglethorn Fever

191771 plays                       

Cheats: 20 Talent Points, Level 100, 5000 Gold, 2 Million HP and ...

Hacked By: axzus

Max Damage

Max Damage

25275 plays                       

Cheats: 20 of All ball types on each level totaling 100 balls per level - The balls will ...

Hacked By: DPETTY

Adapt or die

Adapt or die

41388 plays                       

Cheats: You can repruduce unlimited.

Hacked By: selectLOL

Tower Blast

Tower Blast

10754 plays                       

Cheats: You don't die if your health drops to 0, Everything is free

Hacked By: roflmao987



66569 plays                       

Cheats: All levels opened, soldiers are immortal.

Hacked By: User0

Doodle God

Doodle God

114773 plays                       

Cheats: No Hint Cooldown

Hacked By: Blank

Book of Mages 2: The Dark Times

Book of Mages 2: The Dark Times

178474 plays                       

Cheats: Press 1 for skillpoints - 2 to increase health - 3 to in ...

Hacked By: selectLOL

Space Cadet Shooter

Space Cadet Shooter

6602 plays                       

Cheats: Life after Death "Infinite Health" & Infinite Lives just in case!

Hacked By: DPETTY

2020 - the beginning

2020 - the beginning

9252 plays                       

Cheats: Press 1 for money - 2 for farmer - 3 for worker - 4 for sciensist - 5 to heal yo ...

Hacked By: selectLOL

Darkbase RTS

Darkbase RTS

42448 plays                       

Cheats: A lot of money and you can build unlimited units of each type (you can still onl ...

Hacked By: selectLOL

<<1. . . .5678910111213. . . .15>>( 148 games )
aznvietshrty23's Hacks
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