Cheats: After beating the first level you got unlimited credits
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: Focus starts off at 999. Focus regeneration is instantaneous, Very fast health r ...
Hacked By: joey4
Cheats: Money hack and all levels unlocked. NOTE:If all 8 levels aren't unlocked,c ...
Hacked By: 8uurg, Proditor
Cheats: Gold, Max Gold, Everything in shop (Units and Blocks) is 1 coin, faster money
Hacked By: 8uurg
Cheats: Start every level with a lot of cash note:Give the game a little time to load
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: Health,shield health,experience/talent points,a little more damage hack Note:DO ...
Hacked By: Proditor
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