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Addicted to computers and yeah. ATTENTION! 'This comment is hacked....' IS A EXCUSE TO GET THUMBS UP! DONT FALL FOR IT! |
Contact 2ndgalanoth
Member Statistics
Cheats: 1. Infinite HP 2. 9999999 Gold 3. 9999 Damage Max 4. Increased Chance of Knoc ...
Hacked By: SexKitten
Cheats: skill points, stat points, level, gold, life pots., mana pots., max mana, ...
Hacked By: Anonymous
Cheats: Infinite Lives Infinite Health
Hacked By: V1cec1ty
Cheats: Gold, exp, stats... (this is my first successful hack, wish me luck)
Hacked By: demonofbirth
Cheats: Exp gained from monsters , added SOME dialogue, some of the weapons stats. NO g ...
Hacked By: demonofbirth
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